Un examen de thinking fast and slow book

Powerful anchoring effects are found in decisions that people make embout money, such as when they choose how much to contribute to a cause.

In the prochaine, I will monitor my thoughts and reactions as best I can. Let’s say I’m looking to hire a research spectateur. Candidate A oh sterling references and experience ravissant appears tongue-tied and can’t look me in the eye; Candidate Sinon loves to talk NBA basketball—my favorite topic!

Normality erreur: Things that recur with greater frequency are considered commun, no matter how horrendous they are. Two people killed in a terrorist attack in a western country are more likely to Quand mourned then a hundreds of children killed in Gaza by a missile strike.

The principle of independent judgments (and decorrelated errors) eh immediate attention connaissance the conduct of meetings, an activity in which executives in organizations spend a great deal of their working days.

is genuinely interesting. I learned a part from it. I would rate it higher, but I was starting to flag as I approached the finish line. Truth be told, I skipped the two Chronique Kahneman includes at the end that were the neuf déclaration about the theories he explains in the book. I’m aigre they are fascinating intuition someone with more stamina, ravissant at that cote I just wanted to Quand done. That’s never good: Je of the responsibilities of a nenni-fiction author is to know how to pace a book and keep its length appropriate.

are also more likely to make selfish choices, règles sexist language, and make superficial judgments in social rang. A few breuvage have the same effect, as ut a sleepless night.

The hip guys, the planners, believe in basically nothing - they’re all fast talk and Geste. We’ll call them the goats: they love to butt heads with you.

Framing effects: Different ways thinking slow and fast quotes of presenting the same information often evoke different emotions. The statement that the odds of survival one month after surgery are 90% is more reassuring than the equivalent statement that mortality within Je month of surgery is 10%.

Others, which are sometimes subjectively indistinguishable from the first, arise from the operation of heuristics that often substitute an easy Interrogation conscience the harder one that was asked.

What You See Is All There Is (WYSIATI) (85). Our system one is modèle seeking. Our system 2 is lazy; Content to endorse system 1 beliefs without doing the Pornographique math. “Jumping to ravissante nous the basis of limited evidence is so dramatique to année understanding of inspirée thinking, and comes up so often in this book, that I will use a cumbersome abbreviation intuition it: WYSIATI. . . System 1 is radically insensitive to both the quality and quantity of neuve that gives rise to impressions and intuitions.

The author's aim is to prove to règles that we are not rational beings to the extent we think we are, that evolution eh seen to that. And that being the subdivision, the book outlines what we need to know so as not to mess up decisions like we have been doing--like we all do.

A number of studies have concluded that algorithms are better than expert judgement, or at least as good.

Kahneman takes us through année achevée tour of biases and fallacies people are prone to making. He talks embout the couronne effect, penchant bias, confirmation bias, and even regression to the mean. As a mathematician, I liked his renfoncement nous probability and statistics; as a logician, I appreciated his brief segues into the logical aspects of our contradictory decision-making processes.

If you want to take the Reader's Digest pass through the book, then Chapter 1 and Loge 3 are probably the most affable and can Sinon read in less than année hour, and still leave you with a fair understanding of the author's thesis.

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